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School Is Important, Here Is How To Stay Safe

Schools provide more than just academics to students. In addition to learning, writing, reading - students needs to gain emotional and personal skills that can help with their mental and physical health while Covid-19 is still lingering. For many families, schools are where kids get meals, access to the internet, and other services that are vital to their growth. So how do we get kids back in school but maintain safety?

Provide face masks for those that are unable to bring one. Many students do not have access to purchasing one of their own and face masks are needed to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 in schools. Many staff members may need to swap out facemasks per each class so it is needed to have extras within the building for easy access and use. It is also important for those to understand how to properly wear one and when or where to pull it down/take it off. To fit correctly and protect correctly, masks are to be worn over the nose and over the mouth. Masks are to be only taken off when you are eating or if you are not around people.
Utilize hand sanitizer bottles and stations throughout the school building, classes, buses, bathrooms, lunchrooms, and playgrounds. Students and staff are more likely to continuously use hand sanitizer throughout the day if they are placed close by. Spraying down playgrounds, door handles, lockers, and more is another step to decreasing the spread - and easier too! Hand sanitizer is great, however, washing your hands multiple times throughout the day is the best way to keep germs off your hands.
Provide behavioral health and emotional support for students and staff. It is important to have these available during this hard time for many people. Many students are unable to have a support system at home and it is a necessity to have it at a place they spend most of their day at.
Organized activities are a great way to get kids active but we need to do it safely. If there is food at these activities, make sure the staff that is setting or preparing the food are wearing masks and disposable gloves. If there are objects that come into contact with multiple people at a time, make sure they are wiped down or sprayed with disinfectants. There many other ways to help staff and students get excited to come to school but still keep them safe and protected from Covid-19. Many schools need to have safety signs/covid signs that help students and staff know where things are and remind them of the precautions they should be taking. Signs can also be informational for students to know why they need to be cautious even out of the classroom.

In-person school isn't just important... it's a necessity. The pandemic has been especially hard for children with disabilities, children living in poverty, and more. Schools are often the safest place a student can be and it's where students can be themselves, grow, and learn.

So let's stay prepared and get our kids back into schools - SAFELY!


There are MANY other items that you can use to protect your students and staff members. Not sure what you need? Contact us today and we will help -


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