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The Ways Barricades Help Improve our Nation's Roadways


"Motorists will inevitably make mistakes. Too often they pay for their mistakes with their lives – or the lives of innocent bystanders.... We have the technology and 'know how' to build our roadway system to anticipate user error. It can be designed, constructed, equipped, and operated to forgive the errant user and protect the innocent victim."

– ARTBA, “Every Life Counts: Improving the Safety of our Nation’s Roadways”

So, what’s an easy and effective way to protect motorists and workers in construction zones? Barricades. These are easy to deploy, durable, lightweight, highly visible and create instant barriers between motorists and workers. Cortina’s number 1 priority is safety, which is why all of their barricades are MASH approved, NCHRP-350 Certified and meet MUTCD Standards.

Their barricade products line consists of four main barricade options: Plastx, M-Cade, Steel-Cade and Telespar Type III Barricades. Plastx Barricades are made with high-impact resistant resin and UV inhibitors to withstand sun exposure and temperature extremes. Designed with recessed sheeting panels as protection from scratching and a recessed light bracket to make barricade lights easy to mount and secure. M-Cade Barricades are also made with high-impact resin and fold flat for easy stacking and storage. Steel-Cade Barricades are made with the same panels as the M-Cade and won’t decay or splinter with usage. Telespar Type III Barricades, used to totally block off a roadway or sidewalk, are comprised of 14 gauge carbon steel uprights and feet and either 4’, 6’, 8, 10’ or 12’ high impact extruded plank boards. All of our barricades are available plain, or with Engineer Grade, Hi-Intensity Prismatic, or Diamond Grade Fluorescent reflective sheeting.

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